Secondary Incursions

Engaging and supporting secondary students in their transition into adulthood.

To enquire about our new teacher resource THE BRIEF, give us a call on 03 9415 6327

Click your year level to view programs!

small boy stretching

Skills for Life. Skills for Work

Preparing for the Future 

Test scores are not the most important thing when it comes to gaining meaningful employment but more so, high level skills that are transferable across a range of roles and industries. 

Our project and problem-based learning experiences provide opportunities to not only increase students abilities to engage in self-initiated activities with confidence and resilience, but give them skills they can apply to their reallife experiences.

Enquire about our new our new teacher resource, THE BRIEF!


Our programs allow students the opportunity to experience a series of enterprise, agency building activities that explore and activate key tools and skills like:
Critical Thinking, Creativity, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Communication, Presentation Skills, Digital Literacy and 
Financial Literacy

Our programs can be mapped to the Victorian Curriculum, Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework and can be customised to suit your school’s individual requirements. They can also be integrated from years 7 to 12 and range from 1 hour to multiple days with prices from $10 per student.

Our 12 Programs include:

The Brief

The Brief

New Term Long Program

The Showcase

The Showcase

New Term Long Program

$400 School Saving Bonus

$400 School Saving Bonus

Available in 2025

The Smoothie Bar

The Smoothie Bar

Design it. Blend it. Sell it!

Lead It

Lead It

Understand Your Impact!

The Pitch

The Pitch

Professional Development Program

The Time Capsule

The Time Capsule

Past, Present & Future You!

In My Community

In My Community

The ultimate team!

The Studio

The Studio

Raise Your Voice!

Game On!

Game On!

Press Play!

Hours of Power

Hours of Power

Future focussed workshops!

VCAL Programs

VCAL Programs

Hands on learning!

The Virtual Studio

The Virtual Studio

Online Program

Immersion Programs

Immersion Programs

Get ready!

group of children in the field

“A light bulb moment for me was realising that I can be creative when put in the right situation such as in "The Pitch" workshop. I'm usually not great with thinking on the spot and coming up with an original idea, but when put with the right people and situation, I can be creative.”

joshua – student

"Today has been a great experience and opportunity to work with people I had never met before. It was also a chance to push myself out of my comfort zone, especially the introduction task "

libby – student

"Thank you for teaching me more about myself in a fun and engaging way. I highly appreciate Betsy for her vibrant presentation. Life lessons really do come from short classes!"

Mae – student

Program Enquiry

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